ArteLatinX: Dr. Claudia Zapata lecture (Read More)

Dr. Claudia Zapata is the Inaugural Associate Curator of Latino Art, Blanton Museum of Art in Austin, Texas. Their research interests include curatorial methodologies of identity-based exhibitions, Chicanx and Latinx art, digital humanities, BIPOC zines, and designer toys. Dr. Zapata will lead a combined discussion and a presentation on their work as a humanities scholar in curatorial methodologies of Chicanx and Latinx art identity-based exhibitions, as well as their experiences as the Associate Curator of Latino Art.

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ArteLatinX Exhibition (Read More)

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The mission of Arte LatinX is to create a biennial art exhibition bringing together Latinx artists based or from the Great Plains, which include: Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. ArteLatinX hopes to continue creating a space for the work of Latinx artists whose work is often invisible and lacks sufficient support to fully flourish. ArteLatinX addresses these challenges by developing and consolidating a new space to showcase the relevance of Latinx artists and creating a dialogue between those in and outside the arts. This exhibition will center around the motto/lema “United through Culture/Unidos a través de la Cultura.” Exhibition hours: Monday – Thursday: 2:00 – 6:00pm, Friday – Sunday: by appointment

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