Log in below to:

  • Start a new grant application
  • Work on a saved grant draft
  • Sign your grant agreement and/or upload a revised budget or additional requested information
  • Review the terms of your grant agreement
  • Complete your grant final report
  • View your organization’s grant history

Grant Requirements

All grant recipients must abide by the following conditions, as well as any specific conditions attached to your grant agreement. Log in to review requirements specific to your grant.

If you have questions as you proceed with the implementation and final report stages of your grant, please contact Humanities Nebraska grants staff. We are happy to assist!

Failure to abide by Humanities Nebraska policies may result in your organization being ineligible for future HN funding.

Grantees are required to give proper credit to HN for its support, as well as to NCE, which provides the funds HN uses for grantmaking. This can include:

  • Making an announcement crediting HN and NCE with support at the beginning of any program or event. If appropriate to your project, please read the following as part of introductions:

This program is brought to you with support from Humanities Nebraska, a statewide, non-profit organization helping Nebraskans explore what connects us and makes us human, with additional funding from the Nebraska Cultural Endowment. If you enjoy this type of programming, please consider supporting Humanities Nebraska with a contribution.

  • Printing an acknowledgement of support using the HN and NCE logo and/or statement of support on all promotional and program material:

Funding was provided by Humanities Nebraska and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.

Downloadable logos are available here.

We highly recommend that you talk to HN staff about significant changes to your project as soon as possible so we can advise you on how best to proceed within grant guidelines.

  • Changes to the budget: Grantees are allowed to move a percentage of the approved grant budget from one category to another without prior approval. The allowable percentage is noted in your grant agreement. Any changes or revisions to the organization’s proposed use of the grant beyond the allowable limits must be specified in writing and approved by HN in advance. 
  • Changes to the program: Any substitution of speaker, scholar, or specialist funded through an HN grant must be requested in writing and approved by HN in advance.

Send event updates to Grants Management & Outreach Coordinator Katie Bradshaw via email so HN can help market grant-funded events on our web calendar and in weekly e-blasts.

You will be required to submit participant information in your final report.

  • Track participant counts along with an estimation of demographic data (age category, race, location) and an evaluation of your program, which will be required in your final report.
  • When appropriate to your project, take photographs, preferably featuring people, and get participant releases. 

Click here for Photo Waiver form

When appropriate to your project, survey your participants.

Click for HN Online Survey Link.

Click to Download Printable Survey.

You will be required to submit this information with your final grant report.

Unused funds: Funds not used for the purposes spelled out in the grant application must be returned to HN within 90 days of the end of the grant period.

PLEASE CONTACT HN STAFF as soon as you realize your project budget may change significantly. We may be able to approve an amendment to your grant agreement to use funds for other appropriate project expenses to avoid having to return funds.

For major grants of more than $2,000, 10% of the grant award will be withheld by HN until a satisfactory final report is received by HN.

Grantees with overdue or incomplete reports are barred from submitting new HN grant applications.

Log in to the HN grants system here: Online Grant System (Para español, use el botón “Select Language” en la esquina superior izguierda en la página siguiente.)

To preview final report questions or download a summary of expenses form, see the grants resources page.

Retention of grant files: HN will keep grant files for 10 years. At a minimum, the file will contain the grant proposal, the signed grant contract and the final report including the summary of expenditures.

Products/Copyright: The grantee may copyright products (book, video, CD, etc.) that are produced with the assistance of HN grant funding.

Disclaimer for published materials: The following disclaimer MUST be included in all published materials, videos and films that are part of the project.

The views expressed in this program [film, book, etc.] do not necessarily reflect the view of Humanities Nebraska or the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.