Perspective of the Fur Trade from the Iowa Tribe (Read More)

Lance Foster – Tribal Vice Chairman, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, and member of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska – will share the history of the fur trade from the perspective of the Iowa tribe. The fur trade was a time of exchange, usually thought of as the simple trade of furs for other items. However, the exchange of language, culture, and economic favors that came with these trades has written a history that is more nuanced than people may understand. Come connect with the history of the land we live on, the people who have walked here before us, and the people who keep this history alive. This program is part of an ongoing speaker series highlighting the rich history of Nebraska and Fontenelle Forest. Admission is free for Fontenelle Forest members; regular admission applies for non-members ($15 adults, $13 seniors, $9 children). For more information, visit the event page.

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