The Pawnee People of Butler County Nebraska (Read More)
This event is the first of a series of four "History Comes Alive in 2025" events sponsored by the Butler County Historical Society in partnership with people across the county. The original occupants of what would become Butler County were the Pawnee People. To truly understand their culture, the BCHS is bringing in experts. We will be honored to have Matt Reed of Pawnee, Oklahoma, the historic preservation officer for the Pawnee People; Broc Anderson, the Director of Historic Sites for the Nebraska State Historical Society; Nancy Carlson is an archeologists and works with the Genoa Indian School. These three people will discuss the history and culture of the Pawnee. Artifacts donated to the Depot Museum in the early ‘70s by Alfred Tichacek will be on display. This is a free event and a free bottle of water and a kolache will be available for attendees. This evening program will be filmed and put on the BCHS YouTube Channel. The Event Center is offering an open bar for after the program, and people are welcome to stay and visit with each other and the speakers. Matt Reed is currently the Trical HIstorical Preservation Officer for the Pawnee Nation in Pawnee, Oklahoma. Matt attended Oklahoma State University where the graduated in 1996 with a B.A. in History and in 1998 with an M.A. in Applied History. Nancy Carlson has a master's degree in anthropology/archaeology. She was a charter member of the Genoa US Indian Boarding School Foundation and has worked with the Pawnee on various projects. Broc Anderson is the Director of Historic Sites for the Nebraska State Historical Society and will speak about the Pawnee Scouts. Future events in the series include: June 16 - History of the Butler County Fair October 6 - Cemeteries of Butler County December 1 - Roads, Rails, and Sod Houses