2024 Race, Religion, and Social Justice Conference (Read More)

conference logo is a circle design with three colors plus logos for Tri-Faith Initiative and UNO Religious Studies with the conference theme of sustainable progress
Tri-Faith Initiative and University of Nebraska Omaha’s Religious Studies department present the third annual Race, Religion, and Social Justice Conference taking place on the Tri-Faith Commons in Omaha, NE, to facilitate cross-cultural, interfaith and interdisciplinary connections that lead to a more resilient community. This year’s conference theme is Sustainable Progress. Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of the future, whether for ourselves, our communities, our economy or our environment. The RRSJ conference will consist of 26 breakout sessions over the two days, plus keynote speakers on each day. For a complete schedule or to register ($100 for one day, $150 for the full conference), visit the conference website https://www.trifaith.org/rrsj-24/. Day 1 keynote speaker: REV. TRACI D. BLACKMON is a dynamic leader, preacher, and activist known for her unwavering commitment to justice and equality. Day 2 keynote panelists: ROBERT P. JONES is the president and founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). DR. AZZA KARAM is the Founder and Principal of Lead Integrity – a global consultancy firm dedicated to serving the common good, through the leadership, competence and integrity, of women professionals, inspired by their faith. RABBI JOSEPH TELUSHKIN is a renowned American rabbi, lecturer, and author known for his works on Jewish ethics, literature, and humor.

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