In conjunction with an exhibition of devotional art, Dr. Kinga J. Novak will present a gallery talk in Spanish on "Saints Above, Sinners Below: Mexican and Spanish Colonial Devotional Art from 1720 to 1920." Dr. Novak is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the prestigious Bard Early College in Manhattan, New York. Her dissertation on Mexican ex-votos is considered the best in the field. This exhibit presents devotional art (iconography, ex-votos, retablos, etc.) from a private collection. Devotional art is considered “for the people, by the people.” In contrast to art created by classically trained artists in guilds, devotional art was produced by self-taught artists (many of whom were moderate- to low-income) and usually painted on wood or tin. During the Spanish Colonial period, when many were illiterate, this art was a medium for education and veneration. Dr. Maya Stanfield-Mazzi, Professor of Art History at the University of Florida, is contributing a scholarly essay on Spanish Colonial Devotional Art, which will be published in the program handed out at the lecture and placed on the CAP website for download. The exhibition will be viewable from March 2 through April 20, Tuesday through Friday noon to 4 p.m. and Saturday / Sunday 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
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