April is National Poetry Month! Below, you’ll find a list of ways to incorporate poetry into your day all month long. Remember to let us know which items you are enjoying, either by email or on our Facebook page.
The National Willa Cather Center has a Cather poetry reading daily on their YouTube channel.
Louder Than a Bomb: Great Plains has some videos of past contests on their YouTube channel.
Nebraska State Poet Matt Mason will give a live poetry reading on Thursday, April 16 at 3 p.m. Central. RSVP on the Facebook event page.

Sign up to receive a poem a day from the National Poetry Foundation. You can also get a daily poetry prompt for writing your own poems.
Actor Patrick Stewart is reading one Shakespearean sonnet per day on his Twitter channel.
Bill Moyers has videos dubbed “A Poet a Day” on his website, with poets reading their own work.
The Poetry Society of New York is offering virtual poetry writing workshops.
Haiku Poem Interactive coaches kids in grades 3-12 how to write haikus.
Learn more about Nebraska poets at Poetry from the Plains, a website developed by Twyla M. Hansen, Nebraska State Poet 2013-2018.