Nebraska Poets Reading Series: Jeff Alessandrelli
May 6 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm CDT

The free monthly Nebraska Poets Reading Series highlights the talent of Nebraska poets and invites discussion with audience members. All events are free online, but registration is required to receive an event link. Registration links for each poet’s event and additional details about each poet are available on the Nebraska Poetry Society’s website.
Jeff’s poetry interrogates how deep senselessness runs in a post-truth and truthiness world.
Jeff Alessandrelli is most recently the author of the book And Yet (Future Tense Books, 2024). The Kenyon Review called his 2019 poetry collection Fur Not Light an “example of radical humility…its poems enact a quiet but persistent empathy in the world of creative writing.” Recent work by Alessandrelli appears or is forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, Chicago Review, and Buckmxn Journal. In addition to his writing Jeff also directs the nonprofit book press/record label Fonograf Editions.