Bill Hayes

Hayes explores how the Underground Railroad formed in Nebraska and emphasizes specific sites where escaping slave most likely found refuge on their journey north to freedom.


Hayes discusses the issue of slavery in the U.S. during the 1850s and the controversy surrounding the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and how the issue affected people moving to the Nebraska Territory. The presentation describes the overall history of the Underground Railroad and how the movement became connected with the Great Plains. Hayes explores how the Underground Railroad formed in Nebraska and emphasizes specific sites where escaping enslaved persons most likely found refuge on their journey north to freedom.

Bill Hayes

Title: Coordinator of the MRB Lewis & Clark Center Reenactors Corps in Nebraska City, NE and Independent Historian

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (402) 990-5829 (cell) or (402) 873-0799 (work)

City: Nebraska City

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