Cherrie Beam-Callaway

Homesteading on the prairie – without all the modern conveniences that we enjoy today – was a series of challenges, many unforeseen.


This program is a continuation of stories told in “Promise in a New Land” and “The Courage to Continue.” Reprising her role as Mariah Monahan, in period attire with Irish brogue, Beam-Callaway tells more captivating stories depicting Nebraska life from 1860 to 1895. Hear about children becoming lost in the prairie, dealing with injuries, lack of women in the country, living on cornmeal, need for music and the endless monotonous labor. Learn how they dealt with schooling, childbirth, tornadoes and Indians. Educational and entertaining. This program is appropriate for all ages.

Cherrie Beam-Callaway

Title: Independent Scholar & Storyteller

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (402) 720-8484

City: Fremont

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