Prime Time Preschool is an interactive program that helps parents and caregivers prepare their preschool-age children for success in school. Age-appropriate storytelling and center-based play introduce young children and their families to the humanities, to literature, and to the joy of reading and discussing books together. A trained preschool facilitator reads and leads a group discussion about beautifully illustrated and award-winning children’s books, which include classic stories as well as new tales that promote reading and school readiness. Then, the children and their parents enjoy activities based on the text that encourage increased comprehension and critical thinking. The program models strategies that encourage meaningful at-home reading behavior between parents/caregivers and their young children.
Sessions take place for 90 minutes each week for 6 weeks in schools, Head Start centers, early childcare centers, library branches, and community centers. The audience includes parents/caregivers and their 3- to 5-year-old children.