"Dear Stranger"

Dear Stranger, a program that ended in 2022, was a letter-exchange project that connected  Nebraskans through the mail to share experiences, beliefs, and ideas, modeled after a program by the same name at Oregon Humanities.

Dear Stranger encouraged people to reflect on their experiences and beliefs and make new connections by writing letters to strangers: write a letter, get a letter, and make a new connection. “Dear Stranger” was designed to allow anyone, of any age, to participate, and to do so anonymously should they choose. 


We want to know what you thought about “Dear Stranger”.

How did it feel to write your letter, and to receive a letter in response? Did you learn anything about yourself while writing your letter? There are many ways to let us know:

  • Send us an email.
  • Post a photo of you and your letter on Instagram and tag it @HumanitiesNE and #NEDearStranger
  • You can also post the photo on Facebook (facebook.com/nebraskahumanities) or Twitter (@HumanitiesNE)

"Dear Stranger" was sponsored in part by an Anonymous Donor and:

Sample Letters from August 2020