Because Humanities Nebraska (HN) exists to help people explore what connects us and makes us human, we offer grants to nonprofit organizations and government entities to support projects related to the public humanities.

For information about applying for a program grant, including eligibility, types of grants, deadlines, and grants staff contact information, see Application Requirements. For information about how to manage your awarded grant, see Manage your Grant. To see examples of the types of organizations and programming HN grants have helped support, see Recently Awarded Grants and Upcoming Grant-Funded Events.

When you have questions about HN grants, feel free to contact any Humanities Nebraska grants staff member. We are happy to help!

  • Katie Bradshaw, Grants Management & Outreach Specialist (402) 474-2131
    ext 114 (regular hours: 9-4 Tu, Wed, Th)
  • Barbara Grant, Office and Grants Coordinator (402) 474-2131 ext. 102
  • Erika Hamilton, Director of Literary Programs(402) 474-2131 ext. 104
  • Kristi Hayek Carley, Program Manager (402) 474-2131 ext. 108
  • Mary Yager, Associate Director (402) 474-2131 ext. 103

For an overview of the new applicant dashboard in our online system (as of 12/18/24), click here.

FY2025 Grant Recipients

Types of Grants, Deadlines, and Matching Funds

All three types of HN program grants — mini, major, and media — have the same basic requirements. The main differences are (1) the amount of money requested and (2) the deadlines, with larger grants and grants for “media” projects (creation of websites, podcasts, radio programs, films, etc.) requiring some additional information and review time.

Mini Grant$2,000 or less. The average award is $1,600.Jan 1
Mar 1
May 1
Jul 1
Sep 1
Nov 1
Feb 1
Apr 1
Jun 1
Aug 1
Oct 1
Dec 1
Cash or in-kind expenses equal to or greater than the request; a 1:1 match. (Applicant must provide at least half the total project cost.)
Major GrantMore than $2,000. While there is no maximum request, the average award is $5,100, and awards are typically less than $10,000.Mar 1
Aug 1
May 1
Oct 1
Cash or in-kind expenses equal to or greater than the request; a 1:1 match. (Applicant must provide at least half the total project cost.) At least 10% of the match must be cash.
Media GrantMore than $2,000. While there is no maximum request, the average award is $7,900. Few grants larger than $15,000 have been awarded.Jan 15 
Jun 15
May 1
Oct 1
Cash or in-kind expenses equal to or greater than the request; a 1:1 match. (Applicant must provide at least half the total project cost.) At least 10% of the match must be cash.