Visualizing Survivance, Visualizing Permanence art exhibition

Sheldon Museum of Art Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Drawn from Sheldon's collection, this exhibition centers artwork by Native American artists and photographs that demonstrate the everlasting presence of Native American communities. These works illustrate the spirit of visual […]

The People’s Recorder: A Creative Incubator

Virtual Program

The People's Recorder is a national podcast on the 1930s Federal Writers' Project: what it achieved, where it fell short, and what it means for Americans today. An episode about Nebraska is now available. Episode Summary In the 1930s, the notion of making an incubator for creativity in a region devastated by the Great Depression […]

The Relevance of Classical Music in Today’s Culture

Virtual Program

Lincoln's Symphony Orchestra presents a special podcast conversation with Music Director Edward Polochick, Concertmaster Anton Miller, and Composer-in-Residence Elena Ruehr, hosted by Executive Director Barbara Zach Lee, discussing the relevance of classical music in today’s culture. The podcast will be available starting Monday, February 17 on the LSO YouTube and Spotify channels.

Not Too Far Distant – Sidney (SCHOOL AUDIENCE ONLY)

Sidney High School Performing Arts Center 19th Avenue, Sidney, Nebraska, United States

Seven performers bring the life of a young man from the Midwest sent to WWII to the stage. They depict the challenges of war as the past touches the present and a new generation takes this journey through time. Larry Nelson, Col. (retired), US Army, will display military uniforms and other items from World War […]

Not Too Far Distant – Sidney

Sidney High School Performing Arts Center 19th Avenue, Sidney, Nebraska, United States

Seven performers bring the life of a young man from the Midwest sent to WWII to the stage. They depict the challenges of war as the past touches the present and a new generation takes this journey through time. Larry Nelson, Col. (retired), US Army, will display military uniforms and other items from World War […]

Free – $15

Nebraska Poetry Society Workshop: MK Chavez

Virtual Program

The Nebraska Poetry Society is offering monthly Saturday morning online poetry workshops. Registration is required, and registration information may be found on the Nebraska Poetry Society webpage. Free with annual membership; nominal fee for non-members. Students, minors and others for whom the registration fee is prohibitive may request a free membership. This workshop will explore how hybrid […]

Free – $40

Not Too Far Distant – Alliance

Alliance High School Performing Arts Center Box Butte Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska, United States

A young man from Nebraska is sent to war, carrying with him the hopes of the free world. Not Too Far Distant is a theatre event inspired by the real letters of Nebraska Staff Sergeant Clarence Williams, a member of the 42nd Infantry during WWII who helped liberate the Dachan concentration camp. Tickets available at […]

$5 – $10

Salon Reading Series: “Acanthus” @ Turbine Flats

Turbine Flats 2124 Y St, Lincoln, NE, United States

Each Salon Reading Series event features a reading of a play followed by a moderated discussion of the play’s themes and how these themes apply to the community. The theme for 2024-25 is “Hold On.” This theme will explore concepts of holding on and letting go. The Salon Reading Series is free and open to […]

Virtual Winter Lecture Series 2025: Envisioning A Resilient Future

Virtual Program

The Unitarian Church of Lincoln is hosting a series of virtual lectures at 7 p.m. central on Sunday evenings. The lectures are free via Zoom and will be posted on YouTube afterwards. For more information about receiving the Zoom link and viewing the lectures, visit the Virtual Winter Lecture Series website. Governments around the world […]

Nebraska Poets Reading Series: Elizabeth Clark Wessel

Virtual Program

The free monthly Nebraska Poets Reading Series highlights the talent of Nebraska poets and invites discussion with audience members. All events are free online, but registration is required to receive an event link. Registration links for each poet’s event and additional details about each poet are available on the Nebraska Poetry Society’s website. Wessel unspools layers […]