Miss V (Ruby Bell)
The presentation thus offers a comprehensive overview of who Amelia Earhart was as an individual, and diffuses attention from the familiar themes surrounding her career and disappearance.
Dawn in the Night is a unique and compelling living-history portrayal of Amelia Earhart, America’s beloved Aviatrix of the 1920’s and ‘30’s. The stage is set when “Amelia” stops by as part of a trip she made to Wyoming in 1934. Although the highlights of Ms. Earhart’s flying career are duly expressed, there is an equal focus on the ideological trappings of Amelia. Details surrounding her childhood, as well as her sentiments regarding social issues, courage and independence are also depicted. The presentation thus offers a comprehensive overview of who Amelia Earhart was as an individual, and diffuses attention from the familiar themes surrounding her career and disappearance. It is the artist’s opinion that popular culture has caused us to become so distracted with the mystery surrounding Amelia’s unknown fate, that her innovative ideologies are too often disregarded.
Miss V (Ruby Bell)
Title: Independent scholar and performing artist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (307) 231-9252
Website: www.gypsycowbelle.com
City: Thermopolis, WY