Virtual: Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change Workshop


This workshop is presented by Jerilyn DeCoteau (Turtle Mountain Chippewa) and Paula Palmer, co-directors of Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples (Friends Peace Teams). It is put on by the Center for Great Plains Studies at the University of Nebraska as part of their year-long series of events: "A Year of Reckoning and Reconciliation: Conversation, […]

Contemporary Indigeneity 2022 Exhibit Opening and Talk

Great Plains Art Museum 1155 Q St, Lincoln, United States

For the fourth iteration of Contemporary Indigeneity, the Great Plains Art Museum sought Indigenous artists addressing issues and themes relevant to the contemporary Native American experience on the Great Plains. A panel of Native American art curators blindly reviewed the submitted works and made selections based on the artwork’s aesthetic merit and contribution to the field […]

Virtual: Reckoning & Reconciliation on the Great Plains Summit


The Center for Great Plains Studies describes the event as "The 2022 Great Plains conference asks how residents of the Great Plains can best reckon with the violence, conflict, and abuse that has occurred in our region and move toward healing, justice, and reconciliation. It invites us to remember and honor the painful past, and […]