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The People’s Recorder: A Creative Incubator

Virtual Program

The People's Recorder is a national podcast on the 1930s Federal Writers' Project: what it achieved, where it fell short, and what it means for Americans today. An episode about […]


Visualizing Survivance, Visualizing Permanence art exhibition

Sheldon Museum of Art Lincoln

Drawn from Sheldon's collection, this exhibition centers artwork by Native American artists and photographs that demonstrate the everlasting presence of Native American communities. These works illustrate the spirit of visual […]

Nebraska Poets Reading Series: Lisa Fay Coutley

Virtual Program

The free monthly Nebraska Poets Reading Series highlights the talent of Nebraska poets and invites discussion with audience members. All events are free online, but registration is required to receive […]

Kearney Area Storytelling Festival: Stories for All Ages

Kearney Public Library 2020 1st Ave., Kearney

At the Kearney Area Storytelling Festival, professional storytellers—along with area tellers—present the art of storytelling in many area venues. On February 4, Geraldine Buckley will present Stories for All Ages at the Kearney Public Library. Geraldine Buckley, known for her wit, warmth and humor, is an internationally known and award-winning storyteller and educator. With 30 […]