In partnership with the Nebraska Writing Project and the Veterans Administration, Humanities Nebraska launched a new writing program in 2014 designed to help veterans and active duty military personnel express their thoughts and feelings in words. Participants need only be interested in writing in any form – they do not need to have any previous writing experience to benefit from the workshops.

Facilitated by professional writing instructors, the workshops consist of six to eight biweekly sessions focused on developing strategies and skills. Model texts are read and discussed by the group to help participants identify how good writing is built and to allow writing practice with immediate feedback. The range of works include fiction, poetry, and memoir. Writers develop a strong bond as they encourage each other. The workshop culminates in a voluntary public reading.

Participants develop skills that include:

• Generating ideas
• Revising
• Editing
• Seeking a publisher

Nebraska Warrior Writers will be meeting in person in Lincoln and Omaha during Autumn 2024, with an option to attend online via Zoom. For a Zoom link, please email Jen Stastny.

LINCOLN – Saturdays, 9-11 a.m. at Pius X High School conference room, 6000 A Street (west entrance 11)*

Facilitators: Tom Seib   and  Terri Dimon

February 8 Speaker: Sarah (McKinstry-Brown) Mason
February 22 Speaker: Lauren Gatti
March 8 Speaker: Mark Houston
March 15 Speaker: Becky Faber
March 29 Speaker: Maggie Christensen
April 12 Speaker: Steve Langan
April 26 Lincoln (*at Larksong Writers Place, 1600 N. Cotner Blvd, in person only) Speaker: Rachel Basch
May 10 Lincoln Speaker: Tina Le

OMAHA – Saturdays, 10 a.m.-12 Noon at Nebraska Wildlife Rehab’s Baldwin Center conference room, 9777 M Street

Facilitators:  Jen Stastny and Cindy Cronn

February 22 
March 8 
March 22 
April 5 
April 19 
May 3 
May 17 
May 31 

Speakers will be announced soon!

All Nebraska Warrior Writers, past and present, from Lincoln, Omaha, Grand Island, and Greater Nebraska are welcome to attend, Each week alternates a guest presenter with sharing sessions so writers can read their works in progress and get feedback from the group.


GET YOUR COPY! From Warriors to Warrior Writers: Journeys to Healing

The first anthology of works written by Nebraska Warrior Writers

Makes the perfect gift! All proceeds will be used to support Nebraska Warrior Writers.

See the program in action on a special segment of “Nebraska Stories” on NET called “The Warrior’s Pen.”

Nebraska Warrior Writers is made possible with the help of this generous sponsor:

HN thanks Nebraska Center for the Book for recognizing Nebraska Warrior Writers with the 2019 Jane Geske Award.

Jane Geske Award