Board nominations are due October 18, 2024!

Nomination to the Council Board of Directors

To review the duties and responsibilities of our board members,
please scroll down to the end of the nomination form. 

Humanities Nebraska (HN) is a registered trade name for the Nebraska Humanities Council, an independent nonprofit 501(c)3 that supports public understanding and appreciation of the humanities in Nebraska through programs that draw on history, literature, culture, philosophy, and other areas of the humanities. HN awards grants to other nonprofits offering public humanities programs in their communities, and delivers a variety of its own programs including a Speakers Bureau, Capitol Forum on America’s Future, Prime Time Family Reading, Chautauqua, Museum On Main Street traveling Smithsonian exhibitions, the annual Governor’s Lecture in the Humanities, and other programs and partnerships. Humanities Nebraska is the state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), which is a major source of funding. HN has also diversified funding sources so that more than half of HN’s revenue comes from private donations, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and an appropriation from the Nebraska Legislature.

Board nominations are reviewed annually by HN’s Membership Committee, and a slate of candidates is advanced to the full Board for approval.  The public is invited to nominate Nebraskans who are committed to the importance of the humanities in enriching our lives and our communities. To submit a nomination, fill out the requested information below, including the nominee’s occupation, education, areas of public service, and other biographical information, along with a summary of his or her contributions to the humanities, whether volunteer or professional. Self-nominations are also accepted. If you are nominating yourself, please include contact information for a personal reference from another individual. If nominating someone else, please include assurance that the nominee would be willing to serve and is aware of member responsibilities. Online nomination forms should be submitted no later than midnight Mountain Time, Friday, October 18, 2024. 

I nominate the following individual for membership on the Humanities Nebraska Board of Directors:
0 of 2000 max characters.

Duties and Responsibilities of HN Board Members

The Council board is composed of 20 members from across the state; Council members are expected to attend three board meetings a year in person, serve on working committees (which typically meet via Zoom), assist with competitive grant review, assist in fundraising activities, make an annual financial contribution, promote public awareness of HN and its objectives, and attend and evaluate HN-funded programs.

Council members are selected statewide from nominated individuals who are community leaders and by reason of achievement, scholarship, or activity have a strong interest in the humanities and the cultural life of Nebraska. Efforts are also made to maintain representation from Nebraska’s diverse geographical, occupational, generational, and ethnic constituencies. A balance is sought between those involved in the humanities and other professional, business, or community pursuits. Five Council members are appointed by the governor and serve at his/her pleasure, or as long as he/she remains in office. Elected members serve for a three-year term and are eligible for re-election for a second three-year term, thus serving a maximum of six years.

Board members receive no pay for service on the Council. HN’s conflict of interest policy states that Council members (and members of their immediate households) may participate in programs funded by HN, but may not receive honoraria for those services from HN funds. They may, however, be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred in such service.