
Hidden Prairie: Exploring Life in One Square Meter Exhibit

University of Nebraska State Museum Morrill Hall 645 North 14th Street, Lincoln

This photo-documentary exhibit immerses visitors into a year of life histories, diversity and change within a single square meter of prairie habitat.

Crossroads: Change in Rural America

National Willa Cather Center 425 North Webster Street, Red Cloud

Crossroads: Change in Rural America offers small towns a chance to look at their own paths to highlight the changes that affected their fortunes over the past century. The exhibition will […]

The Last Prairie Omaha Film Festival Virtual Screening

Through the voices of ecologists, ranchers and native people, this documentary profiles one of the last remaining intact prairies in North America. Cost is $7.00


Virtual Winter Lecture Series 2022: Mass Atrocities and the Right to Protect

Virtual Program

The Lecture Series will consist of four sessions presented on four successive Sundays beginning 2/20/2022. Each will begin at 7:00PM and end around 8:30PM, with a 45-minute lecture followed by an audience-driven Q&A. The Zoomed and recorded lectures, and Q & A sessions will then be posted on the Unitarian Church website.